Lacak Kiriman Barang


Friday 30 April 2010


From the scientific side, the serenity which is the effect of the dhikr, not just the truth of normative, but also can be proven scientifically. even the effect not only on psychological illness / psychiatric, more than that of physical health as well. Is Professor. Dr. Mohammad Sholeh who has managed to do scientific research on it. Faculty Lecturers and Professors Tarbiyah the Graduate Institute of Islamic Affairs (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya tahajud proves that prayer which is run with proper movement, regular course with a sincere dams can increase the body's immune system, thus creating a soothing kondisii.

As written in, for the purposes of his research, Moh.Sholeh involving 51 high school students to investigate the effects of their tahajud prayers. Of the 51 student, only 19 students who tersisi prayers tahajud can survive for two months. These students according to the nineteenth Sholeh fundamentally changed. Those who undergo this with sincere prayer, a full two months, precise movements, increase body immunity. While that is not, change significantly in terms of physical or psychological is not visible. Increased immunity is what enables a person would be hard to get the disease from an infection than to cancer.

At least there are some parameters that were measured in three laboratories Sholeh (Klinika, Prodia, and Paramita) in Surabaya to make this conclusion. By measuring levels of the hormone cortisol (the major natural glucocorticoid issued by the adrenal cortex. These substances affect glucose metabolism, protein, and fat) can be known whether a person is experiencing stress or not.

In those who successfully perform prayers tahajud sampaii two months, these hormones are increasing. By Sholeh, this is paertanda that the person is sincere and not setress. Increasing these hormones will be accompanied by increased content of serotonin, epinephrine, and endorphins. These hormones are hormones that make us feel calm and serene.

In contrast, levels of acetylcholine in this nineteenth person to decline. Acetylcholine is the acetic acid ester of choline that serves as a neurotransmitter or chemical that works convey messages from one nerve cell to another nerve cell. Sholeh further explained that if these chemicals increases, then this is a sign he was setress. Due sequel, people would easily angry, anxious and worried.

Sress also marked when the content of vasopressin or hormones released by the hypothalamus (the brain) increases. Bial is a high level of vasopressin will accumulate continuously, the body resistance will decrease. People will easily get cancer. "With its variety of immune system in the body such as macrophages, basofil, monsit, and others will not produced.

So, now when people talk that prayer can improve the person's moral level, there is reason to be advanced with a lot of sense. With the right prayer, traveled sincere and resigned, and the routine will make a person psychic mauoun physical health. Peace of heart, mind, and tranquility of soul will be their basic status of diligent prayer. People can think logically, mature and really make sense. People become aware of themselves and not arbitrarily.

In addition, physical illness would be reluctant to stop by and suffering to the body the They are diligent prayer. Because his immune system is increasing rapidly, so pray it does not just make someone who did get a laudable place (maqam mahmudan) with Allah SWT, but Judah makeshealthy physical and spiritual.


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