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Friday, 30 April 2010

Mata Tertutup, Bocah SD di Ponorogo Bisa Baca & Bermain

Bagaimana generasi mendatang Bangsa Indonesia, bila anak-anak SD dan SMP mampu membaca buku dengan mata tertutup? Itulah, kenyataan yang terjadi sekarang ini. Tak kurang dari 30 orang anak antara usia 5-16 tahun atau masih duduk dibangku SD dan SMP SMK I Jenangan Ponorogo, sedang berdemonstrasi membaca buku pelajaran dalam keadaan mata tertutup rapat.

Bahkan, mereka berlari-lari main petak umpet sesama rekanya yang lain dalam keadaan sama yakni mata tertutup. Seakan, mereka berlarian dengan mata terbuka tanpa sehelai kain pun yang menutup kedua matanya. Demikian pula, mereka mampu menebak kartu remy. Sekalipun, kartu tersebut--dalam keadaan terbalik. Tidak hanya itu, mereka juga mampu menebak warna-warni sebuah gambar baik karya miliknya maupun karya orang lain.

Wow… Apakah itu, termasuk golongan mejig (ghaib) atau telepaty, jawabnya bukan. Untuk lebih jelasnya, marilah kita menyimak ungkapan salah satu siswa setempat. Zayyin Ilma Slikhah, salah satu siswi kelas 4 MTS Negeri Nurul Hudah Ponorogo. Ia sebenarnya mempunyai hobi berenang, bukan seperti sekarang ini yakni main tebak-tebakan. “Ini, hanya selingan saja untuk mengisi waktu luang,” kata Ilma, lirih saat ditemui di sekolahnya, Jum’at (30/4/2010).

Lebih lanjut Ilma menjelaskan kepandaian yang dimilik itu bermula belajar dari seorang teman ayahnya. Dimana para pesertanya semua masih anak. Sedang peserta orang dewasa, tidak diperbolehkan. “Saya dan teman-teman ikut belajar, cuma dua hari saja kok,” katanya.

Disinggung bagaimana saat mengindra benda yang ada di depannya? Ilma mengaku ketika bermain petak umpet, lalu teman yang bersembuyi tetap kelihatan hitam seperti gambar. Bahkan, wajahnya persis dan dalam keadaan terhalang pohon bunga yang digunakan untuk persebunyian. “Pohon bunganya tidak tampak, yang tampak hanyalah gambar temannya saya,” akunya, sembari tersenyum.

Begitu juga ketika menebak warna yang terjadi, bukanlah warna itu nampak dimata. Akan tetapi, insting di otak mengatakan sebuah warna tertentu dan yang terjadi kenyataannya setelah dilihat dengan mata adalah persis dengan warna yang dikatakan insting. Demikian pula, ketika harus berjalan menaiki tangga. Maka, indra yang diterima otak adalah wujud gambar tangga yaitu warna hitam seperti gambar disebuah buku hanya saja tidak berwarna. Lalu, saat melangkahkan kaki, maka langkahnya menyesuaikan dengan apa yang di indra otak tengah berwujud gambar.

“Hasilnya, saya melangkah dengan pasti dan tanpa harus jatuh. Kalau kita yang manusia wajar ini, kan hanya memakai otak kanan dan kiri. Padahal, otak kanan jarang-jarang dipakai kecuali orang kidal. Karena sering kali menggunakan organ tubuh sebelah kiri, maka yang bekerja otak sebelah kanan,” tutur Ilma, anak pasangan suami istri Jadie dan Binti warga asal Desa Maguwon RT 01/RW 01, Kecamatan Sambit, Kabupaten Ponorogo. Ilma menambahkan bahwa betapa dasyatnya otak tengah yang kita miliki ini. Karena dapat mengindra tanpa memakai mata. “Barang kali ada teman-teman yang kepengin bisa, nanti dapat saya tunjukan bagaimana harus training,” katanya.*(sug/jay)

( (Ponorogo) -)

Tips Mendapatkan Jodoh yang Sholeh dan Sholehah

Berikut saya mencoba menguraikan sedikit tips untuk mendapatkan jodoh yang sholehah.
beriiut yang harus anda jalankan secara istiqomah :
1- niatkan bukan sekedar dapat jodoh. tapi niatkan, bismillah, untuk mendapat jodoh yang sholehah, yang bisa bersama-sama membangun keluarga pembela Islam
2- kuatkan ibadah, jaga diri dari perbuatan dosa, tingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan agama. ini adalah kriteria orang sholeh. dan orang sholeh akan mendapatkan wanita sholehah
3- jika telah benar-benar telah siap menikah, jangan ragu untuk mengajukan diri. tiada perlu malu dalam kebaikan. bisa minta bantuan orang tua, senior, guru ngaji, dll untuk menemukan pilihan terbaik
4- berdoalah yang sugguh2 "rabbanaa hablanaa min azwaajinaa wa dzurriiyyaatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alnaa lilmuttaqiina imaama"

Selamat mencoba, semoga dimudahkan

About Overview Sex Education For Teens

A. Understanding Teenagers
Definition teenagers by the education and psychology
Adolescent sexual development according to the physical and psychic
Beginning with the birth of men who grow from childhood to the later development, until in adulthood. And developments that will be experienced by each individual personality development individu.Dalam the teenager has a special meaning, but once adolescence has no clear place in the series of one's development process. Clearly the child is still not finished their development, adults can be considered fully developed, he had fully mastered the physical functions and fsikisnya; in old age is generally a decline, especially in its physical functions. The physical and psychological development in adolescence is as follows:
a. Physical development
In adolescence the child grows into an adult physically. Schematically the growth was described as the following. Pituitary is a cook out some of the hormones, the most important of which is growth hormone released by the frontal lobes, hormones and hormone kortikotrop gonadotrop. Growth hormone actually affects the growth of a person since she was born. In this period of accelerated growth arises because of the excellent coordination between the glands work. Gonadotrop hormones accelerate the ripening of the egg and sperm cells, also hamper the production of sex hormones and glands through kortikotrop hormones also affect the glands suprarenalis. Namely sex hormones testosterone in boys and estrogen in female children with growth hormone and hormones affect the growth of children suprarenalis such that an accelerated pertumubuhan. Should be noted here will be what is called circular migration growth, namely increasing the average growth and acceleration of the emergence of signs of sexes in a given period along with the rising prosperity of life. This phenomenon is more apparent on physical size and become sexually mature more quickly than the younger generation as their parents. Because of the cooperation between the hormones and glands sex glands occurs suprarenalis physiological changes such as changes in respiration, which is in the frequency and volume, especially in boys.
The relationship between physical growth, the influence of hormones and growth acceleration can be expressed as follows. Growth rate among the organs are not the same. Nervous system grew during the first four years, but almost does not increase again after the seventh year. Framework and structure of tendon showed a more orderly growth with acceleration at the beginning of puberty because of the influence of these factors in advance. The growth of sex organs in this period was not much and runs parallel with the growth acceleration framework and structure of tendon. Accelerating the growth of this body which mainly appear as growth took place mainly in body length during the two-year period. This period lasted between 11 and 13 years of age for young women with the beginning for about a year and a peak at the age of 14 years. In addition to the small differences, the length agencies run the same in men and by the length of women's bodies in children until about age 9 years running the same. Soon after that began the beginning of the acceleration of growth in children of women, while in boys there was a slight decline in growth until the beginning of a growth spurt around the age of 12 years. When the acceleration of growth in children a woman to stop, then at the boy that just started in earnest. Accelerating growth is completed at the age of 13 years (women) and 15 years (men); growth of body length in both types of sex are still running continuously for about three years until about the age of 16 and 18 years.

In addition to the long growth growth weight loss happens more or less running parallel with the added length, because the weight of the largest on the relative growth of Baian framework is the hardest part of the body. Here there is a clear distinction between the two types sekse. In the boys weight gain mainly due to increasingly strong tendon arrangement. In young women are more due to the increase perngikat tissue under the skin (fat), especially on the thighs, buttocks, upper arms and chest. Added fat tissue in these sections includes female child's body shape to get the typical female form. Boys get the body shape typical of men mainly because of increased width of the shoulders. Since the acceleration of growth in children, the first woman begins her child at the age of 12 and 13 years of being bigger than boys, but then boys soon follow and exceed the greater body of her child.

The growth of the child prior to and during the teenage years causes a different community responses. They are expected to meet the responsibilities of adults, but the relationship between physical growth and psychological pematagan there is still a fairly wide range, hence failure often experienced by adolescents in the social demands of this cause frustration and inner conflicts in adolescents, especially when there is no sense in adult parties. This is one reason why the youth closer to their friends than with people my age adults. Growth of the members of the body more quickly than body; this makes teenagers for a while have a disproportionate body proportions. Hands and feet were much longer in comparison with the body.
Often the deviation from the shape of the body of a woman or a typical male raises ire cukp inner depth because at this age adolescents perhatina looks very big to him. According to Hill and Monks, the teen himself is one of the critical appraisal of his own body as social stimuli. When he understood that his body was to meet requirements, so this is a positive effect on the evaluation itself. When there are deviations emerge the problems associated with self evaluation and social attitudes. For example children who grow too tall woman, a boy whose shoulders are too narrow or female child who forms his body too boyish very disturbing inner teenager.
Body defects very troubling especially in adolescence, precisely because of physical appearance on this very important period. Defects that body weight influenced adolescent self evaluation in such a way, to inhibit the development of a healthy personality. The growth of the genital organs are both inside and outside the agency are critical to the development of subsequent sexual behavior.
But in addition to signs of a primary venereal this then also signs of genital sekuder, viewed from the perspective psiksosial, plays an important role as the signs of sexual development, both for the adolescents themselves or for others. The characteristics or secondary sex characteristics at puberty, both men and women are; in men of hair growth or hair around the pubic or armpit, the occurrence of voice changes, grows a mustache, beard and sideburns and the last is the growth of Adam's apple. While in the women grow hair or around the pubic and underarm hair, increased breast size, and increased size of the hips.
With increasing body weight and length, it seems, both in children and women boys, body strength also increases. This is seen more clearly in boys than female children in the child since she added weight loss mostly due to the growth of body fat that makes the form of a woman. Furthermore, she added weight loss in women is also caused by the growth framework (parallized hips) and only a small part caused by growth and a strong vein of meat. On the boys in addition to weight gain due to growth in the framework of the growth and strengthening tendons and muscles is also an important cause.
Together with the acceleration of growth so that all the boys an acceleration of growth that reached its peak strength at the age of approximately 1.5 years after growth had reached the peak acceleration, the veins grow meat together with the frame but when the skeleton reaches peak hence the growth of new tissue through the strengthening of the mainly cause increasing strength. Excessive body growth in prior periods can actually weaken the body.
b. Psychic development
As noted earlier, the only clear deviation from the limits of the spread indicates the things that are not normal in development. Deviations can also occur due to other causes. For example in young girls' bodies become very thin because of the tensions of psychic and when this occurs in periods of growth can cause a serious bottleneck can even lead to cessation of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, this can give more inner tensions and ultimately provide a more serious consequence.
More important than the cooking of bio-sexual is psikososialnya aspects of the sexual development of sexual behavior. In general, the physical ripening raises new possibilities for doing so. In the field of sexual abuse, there is no immediate reason to do sexual behavior, because of religious norms and social norms which only allows sexual relations within marriage. This has raised tensions in adolescents. Greater the more advanced the society's demands in order to perform marriages.
In physical development experienced by adolescents can not be separated from the adjustment, even must be accompanied and accompanied and directed against individuals by bike is the psychic aspect. These aspects are brought towards thinking and assist in the framework of adaptation to physical development and behavior of every individual.
Regardless of the meaningful aspects of physical development of adolescents regarding sexuality, will lead to actions that are not good. Because in adolescence lust seksuallah very controlling. And in those days sometimes less considering adolescents as well forget about ethics. Thus between the physical and psychic development with sexual maturity, the presence of suitability in the growth experienced. Because both of them together and united against the individual hooks. And participation in the process of life to come.

B. Understanding Sex Education
Definition of Sex Education
Much confusion about the meaning of opinions about sex education. There opinion who thinks that sexual education together with information about human anatomy and physiology of sex, about the dangers of venereal disease and so forth. Another opinion says that sex education is the same as sex play, only to be given to parents. Some experts argue about the meaning of sex.
Sahli Salim pointed out that sex education is: lighting that aims to guide and nurture each male and female, since from the children until after today, addresses the interaction between the sexes in general and especially the sexual life, so that they can perform properly, so that life pairs that bring happiness and prosperity for mankind.
Sufrijanta said sex education is a conscious effort to produce an adult human being who really mature and be able to use their sexuality responsibly, so as to bring happiness for himself and the environment and society.
Abdullah nashih ulwan is suggested that sex education is: to teach problem, gives understanding, and explaining the issues pertaining to sex, instinct, and marriage to the child since his mind began to grow and ready understanding the above matters.
From the definition above can be concluded, that sex education is meant to guide and nurture a person to understand about the meaning, function and purpose of sex, that he can legally distribute the beaten path, in order to bring happiness for himself and the environment and society.
With a variety of reasons, sex education should be given to each individual. To prevent things from happening that are not in want. There are many benefits that can be taken away from sex education.
Elfrida bring benefits to be gained from sex education, namely: the possibility of a child or adolescent tercegahnya of irregularities and sexual disorders of various forms of venereal disease, which can occur as a result of an illegal sexual relationship with a partner who alternated.
H. Azhar Ahmad Basyir argued that: at the time these days people feel the need to expansion of knowledge about sex education, with a background in variety, in order to maintain the rule of moral values, in order to overcome any psychological disorders among adolescents, in order to offer parental knowledge in dealing with the development of their children and others.
While H. Ali Akbar argued that: sex education should be given and understood by every Muslim and are taught from birth, the man who was first responsible for sex education are parents, mother and father. And where sex education is the main household.
By teaching, giving understanding and explaining issues related to sex, means providing an understanding of the intricacies of sexual organs, sexual anatomy and psychology, so one understands the meaning, function and purpose of sex, so that in time could be running or memperaktekan sexual needs correctly, in accordance with Shari'a religious. From the meantime, it can be known that sex education has an extensive discussion of space and complex. Sex education is not just about lighting sex, because sexual relationships heteri, ie a person who has sexual desires only in the opposite sex, not merely a matter of biological or physiological sex life, but also include psychological problems, socio cultural , religion and health.
In sex education can be distinguished between sex and sex education instruction in sexuality. Sex instruction is lighting on the anatomy, and about the biology of reproduction is through the breeding process to maintain the kind of sex relationship. Including family formation and contraceptive methods in preventing pregnancy. While education in sexuality includes the fields of ethics, morals, physiology, economics, and other needed knowledge that a person can understand himself as a sexual individual, and to be able to make good interpersonal relationships. Lo sex sexuality instruction without Education ins can cause promiscuity (intercourse with anyone) and the relationships that deviate sex.
The scope of sex education
Proper sex education is very important to the children taught in accordance with the development of their age either by their parents as well as by religious teachers and other teachers of their school. However, sex education should be taught in the corridors of ideology and religious teachings, that the child or young learners will gain the correct knowledge about sex, especially about the rules and values the sanctity of sex in religious views.
Why Islamic sex education is needed? Answer is that we are far too many Western-style sexual education is given a totally far away from religious values, whether it be movies Western vulgar, pornographic images both in print media or internet, or artist-free lifestyle Westernized artists. This is exacerbated by the general public that what comes from the West it is always good and the standard of modern lifestyles and look outdated or ugly even if it comes from our own culture. Alirah music, if it comes from the West and although the sound was not known, it will be seen as music of international standard. Naked men in films or in public, if it comes from their ideas, will be viewed as a high artistic value or is seen as an expression of true freedom.
Because we tend to always be faced with immoral sex education that Western-style like that, it would not be surprised if the damage and moral evil that baahkan sometimes beyond the bounds of humanity as a lot happens in this country. Almost Tipa day we can read in the papers or see on television how the crime of moral damages and young children in Indonesia, especially relating to the practice of free sex was so severe. Teenage pregnancy rate increased, prostitution involving girls under the age of increasingly rampant, abortion rates also did not lose much. New babies born many murdered and then dumped by the roadside, in rivers, or even in the trash, as if they are a disgusting dirty goods.
Shame if there is no longer on them. Bemesraan kissing in public or is no longer a taboo. Western-style clothes that mengumbar aurat is part of the trend of today. For them it may be shown unless the chest and genitals. The women who dress modestly and closed even considered bizarre and outdated. This situation is even worsened by the reality that mass media both television and newspaper / magazine in Indonesia has been so freely, that consciously or unconsciously played a part in the spread of Western-style sex education. Programs of sexual impressions always get high ratings. Dangdut music or other music with a rock singer and dressed seronok almost appears every day on television.
Because almost every day they were treated with the wrong sex education, so consequently they tend to do the wrong action. Rape, free sex, adultery, abortion, and teenage prostitution is a result of this sex education is wrong. Therefore, sex education, even its existence is absolutely necessary Islami urged to immediately given. Proper sex education that is based on the values of diversity is one tool to avoid the Muslim youth from bad influences that many mencekcoki them, both from media and friends Unfortunately.
Who would teach it? Parents have the biggest role in giving sex education to their children. A father to educate his son and a mother to educate her daughter. In addition it can also older brother who had knowledge enough to guide his younger brother, nor sister to guide her younger sister.
Besides the role of family members, teachers or scholars of religion in schools also has a major role. Of course, sex education in schools should pay attention to religious norms. Because it's a good idea of a male religious teacher giving sex education to male students, a teacher of religion and women give sex education to female students. Keep in mind, teaching sex to their hot-blooded teenagers in a class explaining the mix without moral values contained in it like throwing gasoline on the fire burning ", so says Tim LaHaye, an author of several books about sex and marriage. In addition to parents and religious teachers / scholars, the role of Muslim doctors is also important. Their knowledge of human anatomy and function is important in building knowledge about sexual health.
How do I teach it? How to advise parents about sex education to children, as well as educational material itself, contribute to determine how the perception of the child will be formed. Parents need not hesitate convey the right, because without that, it is feared will find information about it from the wrong source. Premature delivery would be a bad influence on children. But too slowly was also hurting.
Delivery methods also need to be considered, so as not to mistakenly sehsingga exactly cause distortions of perception. Parents should be able to show casual attitude when providing information about sexual issues to children.
Do not show disgust or dislike the attitude Juka children ask, because you dislike also influence the opinions of children. Parents are the type of taboo sexual matters, the average unconsciously do not like their children to request information about this, they also showed attitudes sehigga angry and banned.
We must also provide relevant answers only. This means that if a child aged five years old ask how he could get into the mother's abdomen, it is not necessary diberika answers about actions describes intercourse. Likewise, do not have to teach 14 year olds how to use kondoom. Problems like this can only be taught to be alone to get married or already married.
Is sex the seminars or consultations sex in a magazine or newspaper is not enough? Seminars or consultations sex sex are rampant these days at all far from enough. Seminars or consultations provided tend not to emphasize the values of religious morality in the discussion. The speakers and participants prefer to talk about the techniques of sex, safe sex (safe sex), how to use contraception, or how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases as compared with the discussion about the rules of religion in the sex opposite sex. Worse yet seminar participants never restricted age sex, teens can freely kencur odor learning about sex techniques from such events. As a result they are prone to be tempted to practice either with his girlfriend, or even if he had to do a rape.
Whatever diajarakan? In general, Islamic sex education can be divided into two parts. The first sex education on adolescents (puberty) and sex education for adults who will soon be married or already married. Sex education in adolescents must stress the importance of avoiding sexual relations outside of marriage, the importance of the values of marriage, and Islamic laws relating to other types of relationships.
We do not need to teach young children about sexual techniques, or the pleasure of having sex with certain positions, or ways to put a condom, because this will only trigger their desire to practice it. How could they not want to try if you constantly informed about the pleasure of certain foods if eaten in a certain way?
Please note teen puberty tend to proclaim their existence by actions that often deviate from the norms prevailing in society. According to Drs. B. Simandjuntak, SH, there are some things that should be considered in sex education. Among others:
1. Hijab and the interactions between men and women
2. Wedding
3. Choosing a spouse
4. Adultery
5. The women are allowed to marry and should not be married
6. masturbation / masturbation
7. gay / lesbian
Eight. pornography
9. sexual diseases
10. menstrual or menstrual (mainly given to young girls)
Before a lesson about sex education materials, must be planted prior to the Creator of faith. As performed by Dostoevsky, "Without God, everything can be done", which means that if someone did not believe in God, he will easily do the wrong action. Therefore, must first be instilled to them about human keduduka as a servant of Allah SWT, and that rules are made by Allah Almighty for the good man himself. And all forms of obedience and deviations from these rules must have replies.
While sex education in adults who are soon to be married or already married and could emphasize the rules of Islam in the husband-wife sexual relationship, the techniques and ethics of sexual relationships, and tangging responsibility in the nurturing husband-wife relationship household.


From the scientific side, the serenity which is the effect of the dhikr, not just the truth of normative, but also can be proven scientifically. even the effect not only on psychological illness / psychiatric, more than that of physical health as well. Is Professor. Dr. Mohammad Sholeh who has managed to do scientific research on it. Faculty Lecturers and Professors Tarbiyah the Graduate Institute of Islamic Affairs (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya tahajud proves that prayer which is run with proper movement, regular course with a sincere dams can increase the body's immune system, thus creating a soothing kondisii.

As written in, for the purposes of his research, Moh.Sholeh involving 51 high school students to investigate the effects of their tahajud prayers. Of the 51 student, only 19 students who tersisi prayers tahajud can survive for two months. These students according to the nineteenth Sholeh fundamentally changed. Those who undergo this with sincere prayer, a full two months, precise movements, increase body immunity. While that is not, change significantly in terms of physical or psychological is not visible. Increased immunity is what enables a person would be hard to get the disease from an infection than to cancer.

At least there are some parameters that were measured in three laboratories Sholeh (Klinika, Prodia, and Paramita) in Surabaya to make this conclusion. By measuring levels of the hormone cortisol (the major natural glucocorticoid issued by the adrenal cortex. These substances affect glucose metabolism, protein, and fat) can be known whether a person is experiencing stress or not.

In those who successfully perform prayers tahajud sampaii two months, these hormones are increasing. By Sholeh, this is paertanda that the person is sincere and not setress. Increasing these hormones will be accompanied by increased content of serotonin, epinephrine, and endorphins. These hormones are hormones that make us feel calm and serene.

In contrast, levels of acetylcholine in this nineteenth person to decline. Acetylcholine is the acetic acid ester of choline that serves as a neurotransmitter or chemical that works convey messages from one nerve cell to another nerve cell. Sholeh further explained that if these chemicals increases, then this is a sign he was setress. Due sequel, people would easily angry, anxious and worried.

Sress also marked when the content of vasopressin or hormones released by the hypothalamus (the brain) increases. Bial is a high level of vasopressin will accumulate continuously, the body resistance will decrease. People will easily get cancer. "With its variety of immune system in the body such as macrophages, basofil, monsit, and others will not produced.

So, now when people talk that prayer can improve the person's moral level, there is reason to be advanced with a lot of sense. With the right prayer, traveled sincere and resigned, and the routine will make a person psychic mauoun physical health. Peace of heart, mind, and tranquility of soul will be their basic status of diligent prayer. People can think logically, mature and really make sense. People become aware of themselves and not arbitrarily.

In addition, physical illness would be reluctant to stop by and suffering to the body the They are diligent prayer. Because his immune system is increasing rapidly, so pray it does not just make someone who did get a laudable place (maqam mahmudan) with Allah SWT, but Judah makeshealthy physical and spiritual.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

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